dimanche 12 février 2012

Stream of Illusion

       Rita Carter tries in Stream of Illusion to define illusion, to tell us that the human’s attention is weak, and our senses betray us because what around us is not always true. She defined illusion by things we think are there without receiving any outside information about it. But we can receive sensory informayion tat does not make it to consciousness and it influce thinkin and our feelin. And consciousness roves in time and in space, in other words it is li an all-enveloping movie, behind wich the self lurks like some shadowy director calling the shots.
      What I liked the most in this text is the questions that it asked, because it let us think about the answers and go very deep to find them which develop our thinking. What I also like is the examples that fhe gave like the example of O'Regan that said the person with a billion ounds in the bank feels rich because he knows it is there, but not because he took wads of note out of a hole in the wall, so a person who spent all his money, but because an administration error he kept receiving bank statements that showed it to be intact. He would not know that the he spent his fortunne till he wrote a cheque and found it bounced. 

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