jeudi 10 mai 2012

Is Google Making Us Stupid


         Everyone in this planet uses Google or at least heard about it because it is the most powerful website in the world. It was created in the beginnings of the 2000s. Many people use Google as their source of researches, papers etc.  In the argumentative article “Is Google Making Us Stupid”, the author informs us about how Google did its tasks. All of us ask themselves about the secret behind the results that appear at the first of the page when we search about something. The answer is that the results depend on the place from where you are searching.  In other words, you will not get the same results about a topic in Morocco for example in the U.S.A.  As Google has many benefits such us saving time and making our work, for me it make us very lazy and it prevent us to enjoy reading books and novels.  
       The author of this article tried to convince us that Google don’t make us stupid. Personally, I am doesn’t totally agree with this claim because some people just copy and the past without even reading. However, without Google the person will be obliged to read books to find what s/he is looking for.

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